See the calendar for coming Sunday Worship.
Any questions, testimonies or thoughts on the messages, please let us know.
Who is a true worshiper?
Revelation 9:20-21.
The young church in Corinth
What can a young church in a big city struggle with?
Glädjesånger med Lilla Kören och Thomas & Torleif
Från Gränna Pingstkyrka. Lyssna också på Underbar Frid, solosång Thomas
Take up your cross!
Matthew 20:1-16. Stand up. Use your talents for the Kingdom of God. Do not burry them.
1 John 2:12-14. Guest speaker Nils
You are forgiven, You have overcome the evil one, You are strong and the Word of God abides in you.
About Fear
Preaching about fear and not to fear with testimonies.
Blessed is He who comes in the Name of the LORD.
Psalm 118:25-27. John 12:13. Also beautiful testimonies.
Titles and Positions in the church.
Is it biblical to have titles on persons in the church? What about positions, or are they functions in the church? Let us look in the scripture.
Wake up and repent, Nations, Churches, People. God wants a true worshiper.
Isaiah 1. James 4 and 5.
Salvation explained with four letters.
How can I be saved? How can I recieve forgivesess? John 3:14-18, Acts 4:11-12.
Christmas songs and preach from brother Mikael and sister Lizzy.
Isiaiah 1:18
Christmas songs and testimony from Mission trip in Tanzania
Brother Gordon testifies about his mission trip in Tanzania and about his experiences to be led by the Holy Spirit.
The Temple of God
1 Cor. 3:16-17. Also testimony of brother Tony.
The King of Glory
Psalm 24.
The Day of the Lord and Final Instructions
1 Thessalonians 5. Be ready!
Songs of Joy and Salvation
Old almost forgotten songs about Joy and Salvation with testimony. Have we today lost track when writing the lyrics?
The Life is in the Blood
Leviticus 17:11
Sitting on the fence
Time to choose side.
Whom shall we fear, God or satan?
Fear because we are afraid, or fear because of worship and love?
Who was Paul?
Who was Paul? What did he became? What did he do? What impact has he had for us?
Testimonies- The light
Testimonies of Mikael and Lizzy. John 1:5 The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.
The Parable of the Ten Virgins
Matthew 25:1-13. Are we prepared?
The garden of Eden and the garden of the tomb.
One garden made by God, the other made by man. Why are they so strngly connected and what happened in them and what became the outcome?
Who was Judas Iscariot and why did he betray Jesus?
One of the twelve and still not.
The Lord’s Supper
The Last Supper. What is it? Why shall we celebrate it? Luke 22:7-20
How to overcome satan and conquer him.
Matthew 6:9-15, Revelation 12:11.
Jesus and the woman from Samaria. What hides in this story?
John 4:1-45. Old covenant – New covenant
A step in the wrong direction
1 Samuel 10-15. The people wants an earthly king.
Favoritism, Faith and Deeds
How to treat everyone equally. Are we saved by Faith and Deeds? James 2.
The Sacrifice of Isaac
Genesis 22. Who is the sacrifice here and who was redeemed?
Summer Camp.
The parable of the ten minas
Luke 19:11-27.
2 June
Outreach in Torslanda. Romans 6:23 Jesus our Hope and Salvation.
Sunday Worship 19 May
Sunday Worship in Gothenburg – The Rich Man and Lazarus. Luke 16:19-31. Who is the rich man and who is Lazarus and why Abraham? (Correction: Distance Bethany-Jerusalem is about 3,2 km or 40 min walk).
Sunday Worship 5 May
Sunday Worship in Gothenburg – Biblestudy From the End to Eternity, John 11:25-26 and Revelation 20-22.
Sunday Worship 14 April
Sunday Worship in Mölndal – God gives life and takes life (sound from 8:45 min due to technical problems).
Sunday Worship 31 March
Sunday Worship in Gothenburg – He is not here for He is risen. Jesus Christ is risen and the tomb is empty.
Sunday Worship 24 March
Sunday Worship in Gothenburg – His love endures forever, Psalm 100.
Sunday Worship 17 March
Sunday Worship in Lödöse – Peter Fisher of Men. Who was Peter and what did he become?
Sunday Worship 10 March
Sunday Worship in Jönköping – Persecution Prosperity in the Book of Acts. What happened the first 30 years with the followers of Christ.
Sunday Worship 3 March
Sunday Worship in Gothenburg – Meeting Jesus. Nicodemus meets Jesus John 3. A Roman Centurion meets Jesus Mathhew 8. A Samaritan Woman meets Jesus John 4. How we met Jesus.
Sunday Worship 25 February
Sunday Worship in Lödöse-The Seven Churches, Revelation 2-3. Can the seven churches tells us how we are today?
Sunday Worship 18 February
Sunday Worship in Jönköping – A child of God, John 1:12-13 But to all who did receive him, who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God, who were born, not of blood nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man, but of God.
Sunday Worship 11 February
Sunday Worship in Torslanda – Know the will of God, Psalm 143:10
Sunday Worship 4 February
Sunday worship in Göteborg – A pure heart (Discernment), Mark 7:20-23.
Sunday Worship 21 January
Sunday Worship in Jönköping – Missing the Mark. 1 Tim. 1:1. False doctrines false teachers, true gospel.
Sunday Worship 17 December
Sunday Worship in Jönköping – Peace, Luke 2:14 “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among those with whom he is pleased!”
Sunday Worship 10 December
Sunday worship in Jönköping – The True Light. Isaiah 9:2. Corrections in the preaching 35:38 min in: The Kingdom of God is near (not close). 49:54 min in: Jesus said Truly, truly I say to you, before Abraham was, I AM (not was). I AM is referring to Exodus 3:14.
Sunday Worship 03 December
Sunday Worship in Gotheburg – Who are we waiting for? Prophecies in OT and in NT about the Messiah.
Sunday Worship 26 November
Sunday Worship in Gotheburg – What can we learn from the Book of Ruth? A wealthy woman who become poor and her redeemer.
Sunday Worship 19 November
Sunday Worship in Gothenburg – Jesus the Redeemer. Redeem = to buy back, purchase. Isaiah 44:6.
Sunday Worship 12 November
Sunday Worship in Skillingaryd- New Thought & Law of Attraction. Are there false teching and false teachers among us? 2 Peter 2:1.
Sunday Worship 05 November
Sunday Worship in Gothenburg – Music and Ministry, Music how does it influence us? Minister/Ministry is to serve, to be a servant. Psalm 27:8, 119:171-172.
Sunday Worship 29 October
Sunday Worship in Linköping – The Roman Catholic Church and The Church of Sweden. Their belief compared with the written word in the Bible.
Sunday Worship 15 October
Sunday Worship in Jönköping-Judge not? Matthew 7:1-5
Sunday Worship 8 October
Sunday Worship in Anneberg. “Holy”, To be set apart Isaiah 6:1-13
Sunday Worship 1 October
Sunday Worship in Jönköping. Women’s ministries. “Bearing fruit”.
Sunday Worship 24 September
Sunday Worship in Lödöse-Life testimony on God’s calling.
Sunday Worship 17 September
Sunday worship in Ljungarum. Preaching on the topic of the Parable of the Sower. Matthew 13:3-9.
Sunday Worship 10 September
Sunday Worship in Gothenburg, Testimony Ezekiel 34. Preaching on the topic of Sin Genesis 1:28 to Romans 6:23.
Sunday Worship 3 September
Sunday Worship in Kinna. Testimonies, Visits from Youth With Mission. How I got to know The LORD.
Sunday Worship 27 August
Sunday Worship in Jönköping on the topic “There is Hope” Hezekiah 20:1-11. Don’t give up, there is hope. Your prayers are heard.
Sunday Worship 20 August
Sunday Worship in Gothenburg on the topic “Spiritual War” Revelations 21:1, Ephesians 6:11-12.
Sunday Worship 13 August
Sunday Worship-Family Camp-On the topic “Don’t give up” Hebrews 10:37-39.
Sunday 6 August
Sunday Worship in Jönköping on the topic Are you blessed? Matthew 5:1-11.
Sunday 30 July
Sunday Worship in Gothenburg on the topic Temptations. Psalm 66:10, Ephesians 5:10. Is your faith solid, pure?
Sunday 23 July
Sunday Worship in Lödöse on the topic Be Ready. Matthew 24:42-44, Romans 10:13.
Sunday 16 July
Sunday Worship in Gothenburg on the topic Yeshua (Jesus) our High Priest and we as His Royal Priesthood, Exodus 40, Hebrew 7, 9, 10, 1 Peter 2, Rev 1:5-6.
Sunday 7 July
Sunday Worship in Lödöse on the topic A blessed surrendered life. John 17:3.
Sunday 2 July
Sunday Worship in Jönköping on the topic The tabernacle that points to Jesus, Exodus 40, John 1:14.
Sunday 26 June
Sunday Worship in Haga Göteborg on the topic of Yeshua, Jesus, Acts 4:12, Ephesians 1:20-23.
Sunday 18 June
Sunday Worship in Skillingaryd. Youth with Mission. Preaching on the topic See the Father, John 5:19-24.
Sunday 11 June
Sunday Worship in Anneberg on the topic The Lampstand of Gold and The Two Witnesses, Zechariah 4:1-14, 3:9, Isaiah 11:2, Revelation 1:20, 11:3-4.
Sunday 4 June, Sermon
Sunday Sermon in Lödöse, God’s Timeline, Genesis, 1, 2 Peter 3:8, Hosea 6:1-2.
Sunday 4 June
Sunday Worship in Lödöse, (only worship due to bad connections)
Sunday 28 May
Sunday Worship in Linköping on the topic “Outporing of the Holy Spirit 2”. Acts 1:8, Romans 8:11-16.
Sunday 21 May
Sunday Worship Service in Haga Gothenburg on the topic “Acting on God’s call”. Exodus 3, Esther 4, Jonah 1, Jeremiah 1, Matthew 28, Act 9 and Isaiah 6. God does not choose the worthy. He chooses the willing.
Sunday 14 May
Sunday Worship in Ljungarum on the topic of evangelisation among the mangyan people in Mindoro The Philippines, 1 Peter 4:12-19. The enemy can attack our bodies, but not our souls.
Sunday 7 May
Sunday worship in Älvängen on the topic of Our Identity in Christ, Ephesians 1:3-14.
Sunday 30 April
Sunday worship in Ljungarum on the topic of the true Gospel, 1 Corinthians 15:1-4.
Sunday 23 April
Sunday worship in Anneberg on the topic of the beginning of Jesus’s ministry, Luke 4:14-30.
Sunday 16 April
Sunday worship from Haga, Gothenburg on the topic of the will of God and the tower of Babel. Genesis 11:1-9.
Sunday 9 April
Sunday worship on the topic of Jesus Death and Resurrection, Mark 8:31-34.
Sunday 2 April
Sunday worship in Ljungskile on the topic of Palm Sunday and the donkeys in the Bible, Zechariah 9:9.
Sunday 26 March
Sunday worship in Ljungarum on the topic of Endurance, James 1:2-4.
Sunday 19 March
Sunday worship in Haga. Confirmation. Mark 1:1.
Sunday 12 March
Sunday worship in Bodafors on the topic of Discernment, Ephesians 5:10-11.
Sunday 5 March
Sunday worship in Limmared on the topic of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit.
Sunday 26 February
Sunday worship in Ljungarum on the topic of John 17.
Sunday 19 February
Sunday worship in Haga on the topic of what God is giving, John 8:36.
Sunday 12 February
Sunday worship in Skillingaryd on the topic of the potter and the pot, Isaiah 29:13-16.
Sunday 5 February
Sunday worship in Anneberg on the topic of Serving God, Romans 12:11.
Sunday 29 January
Sunday worship in Gothenburg on the topic of Warfare, 2 Chronicles 20:1-30.
Sunday 22 January
Sunday worship in Hånger on the topic of love, 1 Corinthians 13:1-13
Sunday 15 January
Sunday worship in Skillingaryd on the topic of insecurities, Psalms 143:6-7 and Psalms 139:1-5.
Sunday 8 January
Sunday worship in Ljungarum on the topic of the Cost of Following Jesus, Matthew 10:37-38.
Sunday 1 January
Sunday worship in Anneberg on the topic of what happened in 2022, Revelation 12:11.
Sunday 4 December
Sunday worship in Sisjön on the topic of the blood of Christ, 1 John 1:7.
Sunday 27 November
Sunday worship in Haga, Gothenburg on the topic of Gracefulness, 1 Corinthians 11:1.
Sunday 20 November
Sunday worship in Lödöse on the topic of I am the true vine, John 15:1-17
Sunday 13 November
Sunday worship in Haga, Gothenburg on the topic of the seven sayings on the cross.
Sunday 6 November
Sunday worship in Anneberg on the topic of the cross, 1 Corinthians 1:18.
Sunday 30 October
Sunday worship in Haga, Gothenburg on the topic of I am the way, and the truth, and the life, John 14:1-7.
Sunday 23 October
Sunday worship in Jönköping on the topic of I am the resurrection and the life, John 11:25-26.
Sunday 16 October
Sunday worship in Gothenburg on the topic of Five things better than money, Proverbs 14:30.
Sunday 9 October
Sunday worship in Skillingaryd on the topic of I am the good shepherd, John 10:11-18.
Sunday 2 October
Sunday worship in Gothenburg on the topic of I am the door, John 10:7-10.
Sunday 25 September
Sunday worship in Jönköping on the topic of signs of the creator, Revelation 1:17.
Sunday 18 September
Sunday worship in Gothenburg on the topic of numbers and dates, Genesis 1:1.
Sunday 11 September
Sunday worship in Gothenburg on the topic of I am the light of the world, John 9.
Sunday 4 September
Sunday worship in Jönköping on the topic of Jesus arrested, John 18.
Sunday 28 August
Sunday worship in Jönköping on the topic of I am the bread of life, John 6:35.
Sunday 21 August
Sunday worship in Anneberg on the topic of the parable of the wedding feast, Matthew 22:1-14.
Sunday 14 August
Sunday worship in Gothenburg on the topic of being a peacemaker, Matthew 5:9
Sunday 7 August
Sunday worship in Gothenburg on the topic of overcoming temptation, Proverbs 3:5-7.
Sunday 31 July
Sunday worship on the topic of time management, Proverbs 27:1.
Sunday 24 July
Sunday worship in Vilhelmina on the topic of The Lord is my rock, 2 Samuel 22:2.
Sunday 17 July
Sunday worship in Gothenburg on the topic of the Lord is my shepherd, Psalm 23.
Sunday 10 July
Sunday worship in Torslanda on the topic of the king of my heart, Philippians 2:5-11.
Sunday 3 July
Sunday worship in Anneberg on the topic of the blessing, Numbers 6:22-27.
S]unday 26 June
Sunday worship in Gothenburg on the topic of abundance, Psalm 78:41.
Sunday 19 June
Sunday worship in Kyrkekvarn on the topic of returning to God. Jeremiah 29:13-14.
Sunday 12 June
Sunday worship in Jönköping on the topic of dealing with suffering.
Sunday 5 June
Sunday worship in Anneberg on the topic of Jesus is way. John 14:6.
Sunday 29 May
Sunday worship in Skillingaryd on the topic of You shall not covet, Exodus 20:17.
Sunday 22 May
Sunday worship in Mölndal on the topic of hell is real, and heaven. Revelation 20-21
Sunday 15 May
Sunday worship in Jönköping on the topic of not bearing false witness, Exodus 20:16.
Sunday 8 May
Sunday worship from the men’s retreat on the topic of the Holy Spirit, Acts 2.
Sunday 1 May
Sunday worship in Gothenburg on the topic of waking up. John 11:1-45.
Sunday 24 April
Sunday worship on the topic of the body of Christ. Romans 12:3-5.
Sunday 17 April
Easter Sunday worship, 1 Corinthians 15:17-22.
Sunday 10 April
Sunday worship in Torslanda on Psalm 118:14-29
Sunday 3 April
Sunday worship in Ljungskile on the topic You Shall not steal, Exodus 20:15
Sunday 27 March
Sunday worship in Anderstorp on 2 Corinthians 6:16-18
Sunday 20 March
Worship in Anneberg on Luke 6:27-49.
Sunday 13 March
Worship in Gothenburg on the topic You shall not commit adultery, Exodus 20:14
Sunday 6 March
Worship in Jönköping on the topic of You shall not murder, Deuteronomy 5:17.
Sunday 27 February
Worship in Haga, Gothenburg on the topic of honouring your father and mother, Deuteronomy 5:16
Sunday 20 February
Worship service in Anneberg on the topic of the Sabbath commandment, Deuteronomy 5:12-15
Sunday 13 February
Worship service in Jönköping on the topic of love, John 13:34.